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Career Information

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Xello is our college and career readiness software. Search and save careers, explore colleges, learn about different college majors, and save everything you love in one place. 

O*NET Interest Profiler
Career assessment provided by the Dept. of Labor that suggests options based on interests and desired level of preparation. Results link to career profile pages with valuable information and details about specific careers. 

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Information about individual careers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Includes duties, necessary education and training, pay, and outlook. 

My Next Move Careers Homepage
Search through career profile pages, browse within an industry, or view suggestions based on interests, job preparation, or "Bright Outlook" careers. 

College Search Tools

College Board Search
Search for colleges using filters like location and majors. View in-depth school profiles. Save schools to a college list. 

College Scorecard Search
Search for and compare colleges based on graduation rate, average salary after graduation, and annual cost. 

College Navigator Search by NCES (National Center for Education Statistics)
This college search tool provides MUCH MORE DETAIL about colleges. I recommend using this once you have narrowed down your search to only a few schools. Parents will find the financial information and calculators especially helpful. This tool will give you an inside look. 

UW System Major Search
Find out which colleges in the UW System offer certain majors. 

Christian College Consortium
Thirteen Christian liberal arts colleges committed to Christ and scholarship. 

Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
One hundred and fifty solidly Christian schools to explore.  

Colleges That Change Lives
Liberal arts colleges committed to student growth and transformation. 

CLEP Tests

CLEP® (College Level Examination Program®) exams are computer-based tests that allow students to earn college credit and save time and money in college. One CLEP exam costs $87 while the average cost of a college course at a public four-year institution is over $1,000.*

*Estimate based on average tuition and fees at public four-year institutions and private nonprofit institutions in 2018-19 according to the College Board report Trends in College Pricing.

Learn More About CLEP