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We're filling up!

At this time, we are currently full for the following grades for the 24-25 school year:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th & 12th grades

  • We strongly encourage you to fill out an application and turn it in with your child(ren)'s last report card(s) and a registration fee if there is space available in your child(ren)'s grade(s).
  • If the grade you are applying for is full, we can add you to the wait-list and contact you if a seat becomes available.
    • Once a seat is offered (pending an assessment/interview), it may be secured with payment of the registration fee within one calendar week (7 days).
    • If the seat is not secured with a registration fee, it will be offered to the next student on the wait list.
    • Registration fees are non-refundable once a seat has been offered following the assessment/interview.

ELL/ESL Students

Please note: We do not offer any English as a Second Language classes to English Language Learners. Students must be able to read, write, speak, and understand spoken English in order to excel in our accelerated curriculum. 

We are not equipped for regular communication in languages other than English. Therefore, all of our communications are sent in English.

Admissions Process

Abundant Life Christian School is committed to providing academic excellence in a Christian context.

Our specific objective is to teach and nurture students to become enthusiastic and successful in the learning process, and to achieve their highest potential academically, spiritually, socially and physically.

We seek to determine if there is a match between the mission and philosophy of ALCS and what a family is looking for in a Christian education. We encourage families to take a virtual tour of our facilities. We offer a Virtual Tour, or in-person tour scheduled between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Contact our admissions staff by phone (608-221-1520) or email ( to have your specific questions answered.

Download our Admissions Application and submit it to

  • Documents may be scanned (preferred) or photographed and sent by email
  • Documents may also be faxed to 608-480-8296
  • Documents may be dropped off or mailed to our office: 4901 E. Buckeye Rd, Madison, WI 53716

Please include your student's latest academic record.

  • Report Card (entering 1-9th grade)
  • Transcript (entering 10-12th grade)
  • *IEP or *504 Plans (if applicable) must be included for us to review your student's application
    • *ALCS does not have a special education department. We will review a student's academic needs to determine if they can be served successfully at ALCS. We are not equipped for one-to-one assistance, OT, or PT needs.
  • Registration fees are non-refundable if a seat is offered and declined. 
    • If it's determined that we are not equipped to serve a student in the grade they've applied for, registration fees will be refunded.
    • Families who pay registration fees to hold a seat, and are later chosen to receive a WI Parental Choice Voucher, will have their fees moved into their general account for use on things such as lunch fees or sports fees.

ALCS offers Variable Tuition to our families. Find out more about Variable Tuition here!

You may submit an application along with your tax information (the first two pages of your 1040 federal tax return from 2022) if you would like to see if you qualify for tuition assistance. 

Applications may be emailed to, faxed to 608-480-8296, or dropped off during business hours.

When school is in-session, we encourage students to visit the classroom for an entire day or part of a day. We call this a Shadow Day. During this pre-arranged visit, we match your child up with an ALCS student to help them become acquainted with ALCS. Your student will have the opportunity to meet potential classmates & peers, many of our staff, and our staff will get the chance to observe your child in a school environment. A shadow day can be very helpful for you and your child to determine if ALCS is the right fit.

To achieve the best possible grade placement and allow for optimal success within the school, all students participate in an assessment and/or a student interview.

  • Students entering 6-12th grades will have an interview with the principal.
  • Students entering K-7th grades will take a student assessment to assess what the student already knows in the areas of language arts and mathematics.
  • All students entering grades 1-9 will need to provide their most recent Report Card, and students entering grades 10-12 must provide their most recent transcript as part of the admissions process. 

Admissions applications and academic records must be received before an interview is scheduled.

An admissions decision will be made based on:

  • Admissions Application
  • Academic Records (Report Card or Transcript)
  • Student Interview (grades 6-12) or Student Assessment (grades K-7)

Once a seat has been offered, the registration fee must be paid within 1 calendar week or the seat may be offered to another student on our list. 

Final tuition schedules will be issued after enrollment early-mid June, and families will be invited to set up their financial accounts and a tuition plan in our Family Portal.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with ALCS to train and educate your child!

If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.