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Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year!

We are looking forward to our new school year and all God has for us as we learn together from August through May.  

On this page, you will find information and forms needed for the school year.  The 23-23 School Supply Lists are downloadable and located in the right hand panel as a drop down menu.  K-5 classes each have their own list.  MS and HS have a general supply list.

May God bless our students, families, and school in 2023-24!

General School Information

Students may enter the building beginning at 7:45a. 

Please Note: Students may not enter the building until 7:45a, even if another staff member is entering the building. Teachers are in meetings before school and unable to supervise students. 

Our school-day is 8:05a (tardy bell) to 3:20p (dismissal bell) daily. Half days are limited and noted on the school calendar. Dismissal on half days is around noon with no lunch served those days.  

All students (K-12) must be picked up by 3:45p daily unless the student remains to participate in a school-related activity. 

Please Note: ALCS does not provide after-school care. Students picked up after the 3:45p pick-up time may be subject to a late pick-up fee. Please contact us with questions.

Students not picked up by 3:30p will be escorted to the elementary holding room. Beginning at 3:30p, we require that the child is signed out from the holding room.

  • We request that a parent or an adult signs the child out and pays the appropriate amount.
  • Any child picked up between 3:30p ‐ 3:45p may be charged a $5 fee.
  • An additional $5 fee for each additional 15 minute interval may be charged.

At ALCS, our primary means of communication with parents is via email—make sure to watch email for school information and news. 

If you change your email address, please update it in Family Portal, so we can communicate with you and provide you timely and useful information to support your educational experience here at ALCS.

All high school students driving to school will need to file a Vehicle Registration Form with the Student Services Office by the first day of school. Student parking is only available in designated areas of the City Church parking lot; there is no cost for parking. 

Download your Vehicle Registration Form HERE.

Absences & Tardies

If your child is ill or will be arriving late for any reason (doctor appointment, car issue, traffic, etc) OR if your student will be checking out for an appointment, please make sure you notify the school by 8:30 am.

  • Call 608-221-1520 and leave a message on the Attendance Line (1) OR 
  • Email a message to

The office provides notification to the faculty of attendance; however, if you email your teacher please also email the attendance office at

Tardies have a negative impact on academic achievement, both for the child that is tardy and his/her classmates. Late arrivals cause interruptions in the classroom. Breaks in instruction interfere with the learning atmosphere and make extra work for the teacher. Parents are expected to make arrangements to ensure that their child(ren) arrive to school on time. Students should be in their seats, ready to learn at 8:05a.

Tardiness to Class — Beginning of School Day

If a student (elementary, MS, or HS) is tardy to class first hour only, he or she must first go to the Student Services Office to obtain a tardy pass. Administration will keep track of the number of tardies each quarter and will issue detentions for subsequent tardies once that limit has been exceeded.

Tardiness to Class – DURING the School Day for MS/HS

MS and HS students who are not in their classroom or seat when the bell rings are considered tardy to class. Students need to report directly to class. They do not go to the Student Services Office. Faculty should mark them as tardy for attendance.

Habitual tardiness is problematic for students and teachers and therefore the consequences above will apply to students as we look at overall punctuality (morning tardies and class tardies together).


The following guidelines shall determine whether a student is tardy or absent.

  1. If a student misses 5 or more class periods in a day (consecutive or non‐consecutive), s/he shall be listed as absent for the full day.
  2. If a student misses 2 to 4 class periods in a day, s/he will be listed as absent a ½ day.
  3. If a student misses Chapel, s/he will be listed as missing a ½ day.

Please Note: Once enrolled in a class, any student that misses more than 20% of classroom instruction per semester for non‐school-sponsored events will not receive full credit for that specific class.

The ALCS Tardy Policy

All students arriving after the late bell sounds at 8:05a will be assessed a tardy and required to obtain a late slip from the Student Services Office before proceeding to the classroom.
Middle School and High School consequences of tardiness within one quarter:

  • 4‐5 tardies = student receives a warning
  • 6‐8 tardies = detention and communication with parents
  • 9‐10 tardies = parent meeting with principal
  • 10+ tardies = possible in‐school suspension at the discretion of the principal

Elementary consequences for tardies within one quarter:

  • 5 tardies = email from principal to parents
  • 7 tardies = parent meeting with principal
Tardies may be excused at the discretion of the school administration under certain conditions such as inclement weather, a road accident, or for medical and/or dental appointments. Tardies will not be excused because a parent was “running late” or a sibling was slow in the morning.

Regular attendance is important if a student is to gain the most from school. The only absences that will be excused are:

  1. Sickness
  2. Medical and dental appointments
  3. Funerals
  4. Pre‐arranged absences (must be approved by the administration)
  5. Emergency circumstances
  6. Other circumstances as approved by the Principal

The Student Services Office must be notified no later than 8:30 am if your child is absent from school. If you call prior to the start of school, leave a message. If we have not heard from a parent or guardian, the office will follow up with you either via Parent Alert or by calling your work or home numbers in an effort to determine where your child is.

Any student who misses more than three (3) consecutive school-days and/or more than five (5) days in any given quarter may be required to bring in a physician’s note.

Per Wisconsin state law, no parent may excuse a student for more than ten (10) days during the school year. Absences not meeting the above criteria will not be considered “excused” by the administration and teachers and the student will receive a zero for the day or the classes missed.

If a student needs to be excused during the day for an appointment, etc., the parent should communicate the time and reason for the absence to the teacher in elementary classes or MS/HS students should complete a Medical/Dental Absence Form. Parents are encouraged to vary the times of appointments so the same classes are not missed repeatedly. For MS and HS students, scheduling appointments during study halls is the best option for academic progress. Student schedules are available for view in the Facts Family Portal.

When picking up an elementary student, the parent should come in to the Student Services Office to sign the student out. MS/HS students will be allowed to sign themselves out and wait for their pick up in the Main Foyer.

At times, it is necessary and even beneficial for students to travel with their parents during the school year. However, please make every attempt to travel during school vacations as much as possible. Travel during school-days should be for no one than one week and should avoid ma‐jor exam periods and the last week of the quarter. Teachers may consider alternative assignments for students when appropriate, but are not obligated to do so (i.e. a student visits Boston — have them keep a journal, collect artifacts, write a report and share it with the class).

When a student is absent under these conditions, an Advance Request for Excused Absence Form is available on the school website or from the Student Services Office. It must be completed, then submitted to the Student Services Office for approval at least 7 days prior to the trip. Students are responsible for all schoolwork assigned for the days they are not in school. If the request form is filled out and turned in to the office no later than 7 days before the absence, teachers may upon parent’s request give the student all predictable make‐up work no more than three days before the absence. Parents may also verify daily assignments from ParentsWeb, classmates, or email. Assignments and homework given before the excused absence will be due upon return. Make‐up homework given upon return will be due an equal number of days (not just school-days) plus one to the absence.

If the request form is turned into the office less than 7 days before the absence, the teacher is under no obligation to give make‐up work prior to the absence.

Elementary Advanced Absence Form

MS/HS Advanced Absence Form

Being sick at school is miserable for a student. He or she simply wants to be at home with mom or dad. Moreover, when a student is ill, s/he has a difficult time learning and may be a distraction to the class. Sick children may also infect other children or staff.

A sick child may not remain at school. Parents should make immediate arrangements to pick up a sick child. Parents must not allow children to come to school who have a fever, contagious disease, or who have not recovered sufficiently from an illness. Students should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

If a student becomes ill during the school day, a teacher will send the student to the school office. The office will determine whether the child is well enough to remain in school until the end of the day. If the student exhibits one or more of the following symptoms, they will be considered too ill to remain in school:

  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat
  • Fever of more than 100° F
  • Any bodily discharge
  • Sore which indicates impetigo or ring worm
  • Rashes
  • Staph Infection

Any serious infectious or communicable disease must be reported to the Student Services Office so that we may notify all other parents.

Conjunctivitis (aka: Pink Eye): Conjunctivitis is an infection of the transparent membrane that covers the white of the eye and lines the eyelids. It is a highly contagious illness and is primarily spread by hands. A child with bacterial conjunctivitis will be excluded from school attendance until on antibiotic treatment for 24 hours. If a child is not treated, reentry is allowed only if there is no pus in the eye.

Fever: A fever of 100° F or more is an indication of illness and your child will be sent home to recover and prevent further spread of illness to classmates. A student should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

Lice: The school must be notified if your child has lice as soon as possible. Your child will be excluded from school for a minimum of 24 hours after an appropriate treatment for lice has been completed. The classroom will be checked and cleaned, and information will be sent home to the parents concerning appropriate procedures. School personnel and local health departments have further information on treatment and prevention of lice. Students returning to school after being treated for lice must be checked by administrative personnel and be nit free before returning to the classroom.

Staph Infection: Staph is a bacterium commonly found on human skin. Symptoms of a Staph infection include redness, warmth, swelling, tenderness of the skin, and boils or blisters. Staph can be transferred from person to person via prolonged contact with infected skin or through shared objects. Early treatment can help prevent the infection from getting worse and spreading. Please notify the school immediately if a child has a Staph infection so preventative measures may be taken. Students may attend school if her/his healthcare provider clears the student to do so and the infected area is covered with a bandage.

ALCS Policies

Internet access will be provided for students for the purpose of instructing, accessing information, conducting research, and communicating with others as part of a specific curriculum. Remember: communication on the Internet is often very public in nature.

Students are responsible for good behavior in the use of computers and the Internet just as they are in a classroom or on school property. Student access to the internet will be provided only to students who have agreed to act in a considerate and responsible manner by signing this form and by having his/her/their parent(s) or guardian(s) sign this agreement form.

Internet access requires responsibility on the part of students and staff. The students must be under on-site supervision when they are on the Internet in school. On-site supervision means the staff member responsible for the student(s) is physically present in the room in which the network is being accessed or utilized by the student(s). Students must have a specific information objective and search strategies in mind before they will be allowed to use the Internet resources.

Abundant Life Christian School reserves the right to monitor and access all student Internet and technology activities and communications as well as inspect any data residing on school equipment and networks.

Click here to download the Internet & Technology Policy

Abundant Life Christian School wants to foster an environment that is safe, conducive to learning and pleasing to God.

One of the ways we do this is through a Dress Code Policy which provides students with a clear and consistent understanding of appropriate attire for learning within school.

Click here to download the Dress Code Policy

Click Here to Download the Policy on Use of Electronic Devices

Recognizing that students are growing up in a world where electronic devices are part of everyday activity, we realize that many of our students may be carrying cell phones, iPods and/or other devices such as Kindle's or Notebooks. We encourage students to take advantage of the technology available to them today. However, students must also recognize the importance of maintaining focus in the classroom. Students may carry electronic devices during the day time as long as they are compliant with the guidelines listed below:

  • All electronic devices will be turned off during class time. Students may not use an electronic device while in the classroom unless prior consent has been given by the teacher.
  • The teacher may reserve the right to require students to place devices in a visible location or a designated place away from the student during testing times.
  • During study hall periods, students may use ear buds along with an iPod or cell phone for the purpose of listening to music. Electronic devices may not be used for other entertainment purposes such as watching video or playing games. In the event a student does not have homework, a teacher may at his/her discretion allow a student to read a book on a Kindle or notebook device.
  • Chapel times are not the place for electronic devices, and they should not be brought to the sanctuary.
  • Students are free to use their electronic devices during their free times: passing periods, snack break, lunchtime and before/after school. However, prompt arrival and good attendance during class time is required. Student tardiness due to use of cell phones for communication purposes will not be excused. Students needing to communicate with parents or guardians during a class time must first get permission from the teacher or school office.
  • State law prohibits use of electronic devices in locker rooms and under no circumstance should a student turn on an electronic device in the locker room. Students should refrain from bringing electronic devices into the locker room at all.

Misuse of electronic devices constitutes a major infraction and the following consequences will be imposed when a student breaks any of the above guidelines:

  • 1st violation — device is confiscated and turned in to Administrative Office; parents are notified by call or email; student is required to meet with principal or vice principal after school to retrieve the device.
  • 2nd violation — device is confiscated and turned in to Administrative Office; parent meeting with principal or vice principal is required to retrieve the device; student may receive a detention at discretion of principal.
  • 3rd violation — device is confiscated and turned in to Administrative Office; parent meeting with principal or vice principal is required to retrieve device.
  • 4th violation — device is confiscated and turned in to Administrative Office; parent meeting is required with principal or vice principal to retrieve the device; student will no longer be allowed to carry electronic devices in the school. If brought to school, they must be turned in to the Business Office in the morning and picked up after school.
  • 5th violation — device is confiscated and turned in to Administrative Office; parent meeting is required with principal to retrieve the device; student will serve in-school suspension.


All students are required to have an up-to-date immunization record on file in the Student Services Office by the 1st day of school. Parents are not mandated to have a child immunized; however, if a child is does not have a state required immunization, then an immunization waiver is required.

The immunization requirements and waiver form is available by clicking HERE or in the Student Services Office of ALCS. If your child is missing immunizations according to our records, information will be provided to you.

You may have your physician's office fax immunization, allergy plans, or any medical information we need to us.

The ALCS Fax Number is: 608-221-8572

Typically, students entering 6th grade need to receive the adolescent Tdap booster. Please be sure to check whether your child has had the Tdap Booster if they are entering 6th grade this year.

For more information on the Tdap Booster, CLICK HERE.


If your child has allergies or a medical condition, please make sure the information is current on their Student Emergency Form.

All allergy medications should be provided in their original packaging along with directions for how to administer on the signed Authorization to Administer Medication Form to the Student Services Office by the 1st day of school.

For children with food allergies, a Food Allergy Emergency Action Plan Form needs to be completed and returned to the Student Services Office prior to the 1st day of school.

ALCS takes all allergies seriously and the more information we have related to allergies, the better we can serve our students. 

Stay Up-To-Date: Check ALCS Info Online

ALCS puts information online to make it readily and easily accessible for you. Family Portal and our website ( has information you will need throughout the school year. Use any device to access our calendars, school supply lists, forms, family information, student grades, and more.

Here on our website you'll find forms, our school calendar, the monthly lunch menu, school supply lists, online payment in Facts Tuition Management via Family Portal, and more.

The 'Academics' tab along with 'Athletics' and 'Fine Arts' often prove to be very helpful resources for parents.

Log on to Family Portal to review your personal family account (under Web Forms), individual student's schedules, student's grades, and more. Family Portal is accessible at the top of every page under the menu (three bars) and at the bottom of every page.

Make sure your Facts account is active if you have not already done so. You may update your preferences and information under the Web Forms link by clicking 'Family Demographic Form'. 

If you need assistance or your account is not active, contact Student Services for assistance at 608-221-1520.


Set Your Family Portal Parent Preferences


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