Development and Gifts
ALCS Development Program
Tuition covers about 80-85% of the actual cost of educating each student. The remaining 15-20% of expenses must be secured each year from other sources.
The purpose of the ALCS Development program is to build the long-term financial strength and stability from sources above and beyond tuition. Accountability is maintained through the City Church Elder Board, the Impact Christian School Board, and through a financial audit by an outside CPA firm.
Your Gifts Matter!
Like most private schools, Abundant Life Christian School’s continued excellence relies on gifts of time, talent, and financial resources from the entire school community. The generosity of our supporters impacts all areas of school life including academics, athletics, the arts, financial aid, technology, facilities, and staffing. Such support comes in many forms: donations to the Annual Fund, Planned Giving, participation in the PTSN (Parent Teacher Support Network), support of school fundraisers, membership in the Athletic Board and/or Fine Arts Booster Club as well as volunteering at the school.
No matter what your interest or how you would like to support the school, the Development Department will be happy to help you plan your gift. Donors to Abundant Life Christian School give in a variety of ways.
Gifts can be in the form of:
- Cash/Check — a very simple way to give. You give ALCS an immediate gift, paid via cash/check. It can be a one-time gift, a gift of monthly payments, or make a pledge of a one, two, or three year commitment. Mail gifts payable by check to Abundant Life Christian School Foundation (or ALCS Foundation), 4901 E. Buckeye Road, Madison, WI 53716
- Matching Gifts — Since ALCS is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International, you may be able to double or triple your gift by participating in your company’s matching gift program. Ask your personnel office for the proper form to send to Abundant Life Christian School.
- Memorials — make a gift to the ALCS Foundation in memory of a loved one.
- Marketable Securities such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds — receive a charitable deduction for the full fair market value and gain tax on advantages on any capital gains. Donors who have experienced growth in their investments are in an excellent position to donate appreciated securities to the school.
- Life Insurance Policies — receive a deduction on the computed current value of your paid-up policy or premium payments. Name Abundant Life Christian School Foundation as a beneficiary in a new or current policy and provide a substantial gift through small premium payments. Consider ALCS before dropping or discontinuing a life insurance policy.
- 401K, 403B, and IRA accounts — maximize the value of your gift by avoiding income and estate taxes.
- Gifts in Kind — In certain circumstances, Abundant Life Christian School accepts donations of equipment, materials and supplies that the School can use.
If you would like more information regarding any of these possibilities please contact Doug Butler, Principal at or by calling 608-221-1520 or Mrs. Patty Ferge, Finance Manager at