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At ALCS, we strive to do everything with Godly wisdom and with excellence.  We need His wisdom as we make decisions to best serve the health and safety of our students, faculty/staff, and families.  Our general health guidelines are below:

Proverbs 24:3 - “Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.”  

ALCS Health and Safety

Health Etiquette: Proper etiquette in relation to health and safety is expected of everyone at ALCS and is vital to our wellness here at school.

Hand Care: We encourage good hand-washing practices and hand sanitizing at school. 

Respiratory Care: We encourage appropriate respiratory care when sneezing or coughing such as covering one’s mouth, coughing into one’s elbow, use of tissues, etc.

Illness and Attendance at School: We ask students, faculty, and staff to stay home when they are ill.  If a student is out of school due to illness, please email OR call the school at (608) 221-1520 to report their absence.  

COVID:  In relation to Covid, ALCS follows the CDC guidelines. 

As of March 2024, the CDC issued guidance that no longer recommends isolation if one tests positive for Covid.  The recommendation is to stay home if sick and return to school or work once feeling better and fever-free for at least 24 hours.  It is further recommended that once normal activities are resumed one should take additional precautions for the next five days to avoid getting others sick such as wearing a well-fitting mask and keeping one's distance from others. This change aligns Covid with guidance for other respiratory illnesses like the flu.

Ventilation: ALCS continues to use open classroom windows to bring in fresh air throughout the year as the weather allows. Faculty are encouraged to use our outdoor classroom areas as appropriate.  All classrooms and offices have air purifiers. 

We continue to share a common goal – the health and safety of our Challenger family. 
As we work together, we can keep ALCS a safe learning environment for all.

ALCS continues to pray for God’s protection, provision, and wisdom as we partner with and serve each family. 
We ask that you join us in praying that each week of school is a safe and healthy one!

Important Numbers

Phone:           608-221-1520
Fax:                608-480-8296


Monday – Friday, 7:45 am- 4:30 pm

SCRIP can be purchased at the Business Office.

Talking to Kids

The following websites provide useful tips and information for taking with children about COVID-19. You might find them valuable as you discuss this health issue with your student.
